The Chili Report: March 2023 - Red Crushed Chili Shortage

The Chili Report March 2023 - Red Crushed Chili Shortage  High Quality Organics

Recently, there has been a delay in the production of red crushed chili across the nation. Many businesses have been experiencing this shortage due to detrimental circumstances, such as adverse weather conditions, pest and disease infestations, and logistical challenges. This has resulted in a low yield year, and because of this there is a lack of inventory and prices are higher than ever before.

About Our Organic Red Crushed Chilis

Chili being harvested in India - The Chili Report March 2023 - Red Crushed Chili Shortage  High Quality Organics

HQO’s red crushed chili comes from 4 different regions of India. Typically, the monsoon (a seasonal change in the direction of the prevailing, or strongest, winds of a region) enters in the second week of June in those areas. During this period of growth, farmers usually begin raising the nursery by sowing fresh red chili pepper seeds in well prepared nursery beds, then covering them thinly using sand. The seeds would then be ready for germination. 

One of the most difficult challenges contributing to this shortage, has been the prolonged and unseasonal rainfall. Due to the excessive rain, the sowing season was delayed by a month, affecting the flowering phase of the crops. Since the rain was also delayed by a month, the sowing of the crop didn’t start until the second week of July, up until the second week of August. Because of this, multiple stages of crop growth like flowering, fruit setting, etc. got delayed. The unseasonal heavy rain during flowering caused flowers and fruit to drop, and in turn less fruit was produced when compared to a normal harvesting year.

Chili being picked - The Chili Report March 2023 - Red Crushed Chili Shortage  High Quality Organics

With the ongoing increase of the intensity of the rain, droughts and floods have significantly reduced the yield and quality of the crop. Since the rainy season is being extended until December (compared to normal season ending at the end of September, or in the middle of October), more rain means more pests and diseases, like black rust. Some regions have even experienced outbreaks of pests such as aphids and thrips, which have damaged the chili pepper plants and reduced their yields. 

Another factor contributing to continuous delays are logistics. Since the rise and fall of the pandemic, there have been ongoing disruptions to the transportation and distribution channels. This has made it difficult to get herbs and spices from the farms to the markets, resulting in higher prices and limited availability. As you can imagine, all of these elements have caused the chili harvest to have lower production levels, resulting in limited availability of red crushed chili. 

Considering all these factors, the availability of red crushed chili is scarce. When we receive an inventory of red crushed chili, it is best to place an order before or as soon as the shipment comes in to secure the material you need. Because red crushed chili is only grown once a year, it is highly recommended to place an order beforehand, for future shipments that come in. To stay up to date on the latest crop reports, check your email, or log on to for our next newsletter.

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